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U našoj klinci svakodnevno se vrše različite vrste hirurških intervencija. Hiruški zahvati obavljaju se sa najsigurnijim vidom anestezije inhalacionom anestezijom.
Kod nas možete obaviti sve preventivne aktivnosti kako bi vaš ljubimac bio siguran i zaštićen. Obavljamo: preventivne i zaštitne vakcinacije pasa i mačaka, preventiva endo i ektoparazita,mikročipiranje i vođenje registra pasa i mačaka, izdavanje veterinarskih...
U Vetlife klinici obavljamo internističke i specijalističke preglede vaših ljubimaca. Pregledi se obavljaju uz pomoć savremenih dijagnostičkih aparata: Utrazvučna dijagnostika (UZ) Elektrokardiogram (EKG) Digitalna radiološka dijagnostika (RTG) Osim internističkih pregleda u našoj klinici obavljamo: oftalmološki pregledi...
Posebnu pažnju smo posvetili laboratorijskoj dijagnostici. Posjedujemo najsavremeniju laboratorijisku opremu kojom vršimo brojne pretrage:
- hematologija
- biohemija (24 parametra)
- elektroliti
- kompletna analiza urina
- mikroskopske pretrage
Our Doctors
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- Frederick
If you are choosing a medical center, Medicure is the one I would recommend. Here you are offered medical treatment of a reliable quality, and a full range of services is offered by a team of professional doctors. Caring staff, new equipment and helpful therapy - definitely, this is a medical center of my choice!
57 years
- Jeff Blake
Fantastic service and really helpful and caring personnel. I was impressed by pleasant atmosphere and the general assistance. My doctor offered me a very effective treatment and I really did feel significant improvement really soon. I followed all the prescriptions and now I feel great. Greatly thankful to all the staff, and I would definitely recommend this medical center to anyone who medic aid.
32 years
- Rebecca Martins
My doctor offered me a very effective treatment and I really did feel significant improvement really soon. I followed all the prescriptions and now I feel great. Greatly thankful to all the staff, and I would definitely recommend this medical center to anyone who medic aid. Fantastic service and really helpful and caring personnel. I was impressed by pleasant atmosphere and the general assistance.
29 years
- Gregory Newman
My doctor offered me a very effective treatment and I really did feel significant improvement really soon. I followed all the prescriptions and now I feel great. Greatly thankful to all the staff, and I would definitely recommend this medical center to anyone who medic aid. Fantastic service and really helpful and caring personnel. I was impressed by pleasant atmosphere and the general assistance.
27 years